The design and associated R&D activities associated with the International Linear Collider (ILC) are performed by a global collaboration consisting of working group and national laboratories in Europe, the Americas and Asia. The international team known as the Global Design Effort (GDE), formed in 2006 under Barry Barish, had the mission to produce a detailed concept for the particle accelerator, performance assessments, an international value-style cost estimate, industrialisation plan, siting requirements and governance considerations. In addition the GDE was responsible for the associated R&D efforts to demonstrate and improve the ILC machine components with emphasis on the superconducting accelerating technology and cost reduction.
The Global Design Effort was deemed completed in June 2013 when a five-volume Technical Design Report (TDR) was officially delivered to the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA). The TDR documented the R&D progress, the accelerator design and expected performance, the detector concepts, and the site independent costs. After the successful completion of the GDE phase the global linear collider activities of both the ILC and CLIC programmes were consolidated into the Linear Collider Collaboration, headed by the former LHC project leader Lyn Evans.
Since that time, the ILC effort has been focused on the possibility of a construction project hosted by Japan. To this end then the TDR design is being converted into a site-specific one located in the Kitakami highland in the Iwate prefecture in northern Japan. The cost estimate is being updated to reflect the local conditions in a green-field site.
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