Top Level ILC Machine Parameter Tables: D*0925325 (Excel)
Americas Tunnel Drawing Set for KILC12 (23.4.2012): D*0898245
Project Implementation Planning: D*0979545
Additional Material:
Design Register: D*0959505
Mandatory Documents
Other Documents
- SB2009 Proposal Document D*0900425
Top Level Change Control Process
- TLCC-1: Average accelerating gradient: Proposal (EDMS) / Decision (EDMS)
- TLCC-2: Main Linac Single Tunnel: Proposal (EDMS) / Decision (EDMS)
- TLCC-3: Reduced beam parameter set: Proposal (EDMS) / Decision (EDMS)
- TLCC-4: Re-locate the positron source: Proposal (EDMS) / Decision (EDMS)
- BAW-1 Workshop: KEK, Sep 7-10, 2010
- BAW-2 Workshop: SLAC, Jan 18-21, 2011
Baseline Technical Reviews
- Positron Source: Daresbury, 10.-11.2.2011
- Damping Rings: INFN Frascati, 7.-8.7.2011; Closeout ()
- Sources, BDS, RTML: DESY, 24.-27-10.2011; Table of proposed changes (D*0992935)
- SCRF: KEK, 19.-20.1.2012; Decision summaries (D*0992975)
- CFS: CERN, 21.-23.3.2012; Closeout (D*0998035)
Central Region Integration
- ILC Central Region Design Optimization (Proposal Document 9.11.2011): D*0969765
Treaty Points:
- Treaty Points Sources-DR and DR-RTML: D*0966225, Central Region Layout: D*0969765
- TreatyPoint Definitions RTML-ML and ML-(PS)-BDS: D*0970685 (Excel), description: D*0972425
Spinoff reports:
- SB2009 Proposal Document
ILC TDP Technical design and cost estimation of the the International Linear Collider (ILC) This report documents the proposal from the ILC Project Management Design Team for major changes to the published RDR baseline, as a result of the effort in accordance with the GDE R&D Plan . It represents the culmination of approximately one-year of study and includes new results from the on-going risk-mitigating R&D, as well as a critical review of the existing<BR>Reference Design. 2009-12-17
- Parameters for the Linear Collider - Update November 20, 2006
This document, prepared by the Parameters Subcommittee of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, provides a set of parameters for the future Linear Collider and the corresponding values needed to achieve the anticipated physics program. 2011-10-25
- Straw-man TeV parameter set for 2011 studies
Short report on two possible parameter sets for the TeV upgrade, based on 5% and 10% beamstrahlung respectively, and an estimated AC power limit of 300 MW. 2011-12-23
- IP RMS energy spread summary
Summrises the contributions to the IP energy spread for all parameter sets, including the TeV upgrade. 2012-04-13
- CFS Tunnel Drawing Set for KILC12
This drawing set includes the Overall Machine Layout, Beam "Arrow Diagram" and detailed tunnel drawings of the entire machine layout at larger scale. Status: Apr 23, 2012 (KILC12) 2012-04-21
- ILC Machine Parameter Tables
Machine parameters for the ILC TDR Baseline. Includes parameters for Ecm=100,250,350,500GeV as well as parameter set for the 1TeV upgrade. 2013-03-10
- Recommendations for ILC Configuration Satisfying Timing Constraints
Report by a special group commissioned by EC to address the timing constraint specifications at ILC in early 2006. 2011-10-24
Electron source design, technical description and R&Dprogram
- ILC Electron Source Beamline Overview
Sketch of the ILC electron source beamlines 2012-03-13
- ILC Electron Source Lattice 2012a
Lattice for the ILC Electron Source; geometrically correct, EBSTR and ELTR not matched. Status 28.2.2012, basis for CFS planning 2012-03-13
- ILC Electron Source Lattice 2012a Visualization
Visualisation of the ILC Electron Source Lattice 2012a 2012-03-13
ES Project Management
ES Project Management of the TD phase
Electron Source Baseline Technical Review Documents
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review at DESY, Oct. 24-29, 2011, for sources, RTML, and BDS. 2012-06-20
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
CFS design criteria for electron source
- Electron Source Design Criteria for CFS
Electron Source Design Criteria for CFS Mar 2, 2012; filename: "Electron source Criteria for CFS Mar 2 2012.pdf" 2012-12-03
- Electron Source Design Criteria for CFS
Positron source design, technical description and R&D program
- The Design of the Positron Source for the International Linear Collider
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the latest proposed design for the baseline positron source of the International Linear Collider (ILC). We report on recent progress and results concerning the main components of the source: including the undulator, capture optics, and target. 2011-03-18
- Positron Global Heat Load Summary
Global Heat Load estimate with illustrations, Data summary of sub sections; Norbert Collomb, 24.8.2010; 2011-10-24
- Positron Source for the International Linear Collider
Overview over the Positron Source for the International Linear Collider 2011-05-19
- Positron Source Beamline Summary
Summary of the Positron Source Beamlines, indicating names used (proposed naming convention) and relative location 2011-10-24
- Visualization (JT file) of the ILC Positron Source Lattice 2012a for CFS
Visualization (JT file) of the ILC Positron Source Lattice 2012a for CFS 2012-03-02
- ILC Positron Source Lattice 2012a for CFS
Lattice for the ILC Positron Source; geometrically correct. Status 2.3.2012, basis for CFS planning 2012-03-02
- Positron Source Parameters
Collection of all Parameters defining the ILC positron source 2012-08-09
Design and technical description of PS magnets
- ILC Positron Transport Line Quadrupole Q160L300 Technical Specification
ILC Positron Source Transport Line Quadrupole Magnet Q160L300 Technical Specification 2012-07-09
Design and technical description of PS dumps
- Design Requirements for the Undulator Photon Dump
This note describes the calculations leading to the design specifications and location of the photon dump in the ILC positron source system. 2011-02-24
Design and technical description of PS undulator
- Development of a Superconducting Helical Undulator for the ILC Positron Source
The HeLiCal collaboration<BR>in the UK is looking at the merits of both permanent magnet and superconducting technologies for the design of a helical undulator.This paper<BR>details the design, construction and test results of the first<BR>superconducting prototypes. 2011-10-24
- Construction of a Full Scale Superconducting Undulator Module for the ILC PS
Following a dedicated R&D phase and<BR>the construction and measurement of a number of short prototypes a full scale cryomodule has now been manufactured for the first time. This paper reports on the design, manufacture, and test results of this cryomodule. 2011-10-24
- On the ILC positron source TeV upgrade option
Simulation studies have been carried out at both DESY/University of Hamburg and ANL to explore the options of the ILC undulator based positron source for the TeV upgrade. 2012-11-19
Design and technical description of PS remote handling
- ILC Target Station - Remote Handling
Evaluation of options for the Remote Handling and proposes design 2011-10-24
Baseline layout configurations of PS sections
Baseline layout configuration of PS Positron Capture Section
- Analysis of Positron Collection in the Linear Collider
Analysis of the positron collection system is performed using a conventional scheme, where positrons are produced by a high-energy electron beam hitting the high-Z target. 2011-06-05
PS Project Management of the TD phase
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review at DESY, Oct. 24-29, 2011, for sources, RTML, and BDS. 2012-06-20
CFS design criteria for the positron source
- Positron Source Design Criteria for CFS
Positron Source Design Criteria for CFS Mar 2, 2012 (Power/Heat Load); filename: "Positron Source criteria for CFS Mar 2 2012.pdf" 2012-12-03
Damping ring design, technical description and R&D program
- BDS lattice for SB2009 - AD&I, Nov 2010 update
Update of SB2009 AD&I lattice: Upstream polarisation chicane was separated in both electron and positron side of the BDS. 2011-10-24
- Targeted Specifications for the DR-RTML and DR-Source Treaty Points
This document summarizes the targeted treaty point specifications between the ILC damping ring injection and extraction lines with the sources and ring-to-main-linac transport lines. 2012-08-07
- DTC Lattice (DTC04)
The 3.239km DTC lattice for the Damping Ring, updated version DTC04 2012-02-23
- Damping Ring Parameters
Compilation of all relevant Damping Ring Parameters, status DTC04 lattice 2012-04-03
Design and technical description of Damping Ring sub-systems
Design and technical description of DR Cryogenics System
- TDR ILC Damping Ring Cryogenic Power Estimates
Cryogenic power estimate for the ILC Damping Rings 2012-10-16
Design and technical description of DR Magnets and Power Supply System
D60L2940 Damping Ring bending magnet design
- D60L1940 and D60L2940 DR bending magnet design calculations
D60L1940 and D60L2940 DR bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D60L2940 Damping Ring bending magnet design
- D60L1940 and D60L2940 DR bending magnet design calculations
D60L1940 and D60L2940 DR bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D60L940 Damping Ring bending magnet design
- D60L940 DR bending magnet design calculations
D60L940 DR bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q60L480 Damping Ring "arc" quad magnet design
- Q60L480 DR arc quad magnet design calculations
Q60L480 Damping Ring arc quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
- Q60L480 DR quad magnet design calculations
Q60L480 Damping Ring quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q60L700 DR "straight quad in chicane" quadrupole magnet design
- Q60L700 DR chicane quad magnet design calculations
Q60L700 Damping Ring chicane quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
SX60L150 Damping Ring sextupole magnet design
- SX60L150 DR sextupole magnet design calculations
SX60L150 DR sextupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q85L309 Damping Ring "trapped between wigglers" quadrupole magnet design
- Q85L309 DR trapped quad magnet design calculations
Q85L309 Damping Ring trapped quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q85L600 Damping Ring "wiggler quad next to photon stop" quadrupole magnet design
- Q85L600 DR wiggler quad magnet design calculations
Q85L600 Damping Ring wiggler quad magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
DR Project Management for the TD phase
Damping Ring Baseline Technical Review
- DR BTR Close Out
Results of the ILC Damping Ring Baseline Technical Review (BTR), INFN, Frascati, Jul. 7-8, 2011. 2012-07-02
CFS design criteria for the damping rings
- DR (Damping Ring) Design Criteria for CFS
Damping Ring Design Criteria for CFS, Final draft for TDR, 16.4.2012, filename: "DR FINAL DRAFT CFS CRITERIA JUN13 2012.pdf" 2012-12-03
Ring-to-Main-Linac design, technical description and R&D program
- Visualization (JT) of the ILC RTML lattice 2012a for CFS
Visualization (JT) of the ILC RTML lattice 2012a for CFS 2012-03-02
- ILC RTML lattice 2012a for CFS
Lattice for the ILC RTML, geometrically correct, optically matched. Status 2.3.2012, basis for CFS planning 2012-03-02
- RTML Parameters
Compilation of all relevant ILC RTML Parameters 2013-04-24
RTML Project Management of the TD phase
RTML Baseline Technical Review
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review at DESY, Oct. 24-29, 2011, for sources, RTML, and BDS. 2012-06-20
Design and technical description of RTML sub-systems
Design and technical description of RTML vacuum system
- Guideline for RTML Vacuum Design (Room Temperature Region), no costs
Guideline for RTML Vacuum Design (Room Temperature Region), no costs 2012-08-30
CFS design criteria for the RTML (Ring to Main Linac)
- RTML Design Criteria for CFS
RTML (Ring-to-Main-Linac) Design Criteria for CFS, final TDR draft May 22, 2012 (Power/Heat load); filename: "RTML Criteria for CFS May 22 2012.pdf" 2012-12-03
Design of RTML beamlines
Design of the RTML extraction beamlines
- Design of the RTML Extraction Lines
In this paper we report optical design that allowed us to minimize the length of the extraction lines while offsetting the beam dumps from the main line by the distance required for acceptable radiation level in the service tunnel. 2013-04-24
Beam Delivery System design, technical description and R&D program
- BDS lattice for SB2009 - AD&I, Nov 2010 update
Update of SB2009 AD&I lattice: Upstream polarisation chicane was separated in both electron and positron side of the BDS. 2011-10-24
- BDS Lattice BDS2012b
Official release BDS2012b of the ILC BDS lattice. This lattice is based on the BDS SB2009 AD&I lattice, Nov 10 update. Same geometry as BDS2012a 2012-02-24
- BDS beamline overview
Sketch of the names of BDS beamlines and dumps 2012-02-24
- ILC BDS lattice visualization model (BDS2012b)
3D model of lattice BDS2012b of the ILC Beam Delivery System 2012-02-24
- ILC BDS lattice component counts
Component counts derived from lattice BDS2012b of the ILC Beam Delivery System 2012-02-24
Design and technical description of BDS sub-systems
Design and technical description of BDS ollimators
- Mechanical Design of Collimators for the ILC
We discuss the competing demands imposed by realistic engineering constraints and present a preliminary engineering design for adjustable jaw spoilers for the ILC. 2011-10-24
Design and technical description of BDS Magnets and Power Supply System
Q26L1990V1 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q26L1990V1 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations (nominal: 10 turns)
Q26L1990V1 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations (nominal: 10 turns) 2012-06-25
Q26L1990V1 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q26L1990V2 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations
Q26L1990V2 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-26
Q30L1985 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q30L1985 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations
Q30L1985 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-26
Q45L1980 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q45L1980 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations
Q45L1980 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-26
Q45L978 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q45L978 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations
Q45L978 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-26
Q65L1968 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q65L1968 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations
Q65L1968 final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-26
Q112L2244 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design
- Q112L2244 BDS extraction quad magnet design calculations
Q112L2244 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q132L2134 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design
- Q132L2134 BDS extraction quad magnet design calculations
Q132L2134 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q150L1925 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design
- Q150L1925 BDS extraction quad magnet design calculations
Q150L1925 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q178L2011 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design
- Q178L2011 BDS extraction quad magnet design calculations
Q178L2011 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q16L992 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q16L992 BDS final focus quad magnet design calculations
Q16L992 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q16L1992 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q16L1992 BDS final focus quad magnet design calculations
Q16L1992 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
Q90L2100 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design
- Q90L2100 BDS extraction quad magnet design calculations (14mrad)
Q90L2100 BDS extraction quadrupole magnet design calculations, for 14mrad crossing angle 2012-06-27
Q85L2960 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design
- Q85L2960 BDS final focus quad magnet design calculations
Q85L2960 BDS final focus quadrupole magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D24L2976V2 BDS bending magnet design
- D24L2976V2 BDS bending magnet design calculations
D24L2976V2 BDS bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D25L2375 BDS bending magnet design
- D25L2375 BDS bending magnet design calculations
D25L2375 BDS bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D45L1955 BDS bending magnet design
- D45L1955 BDS bending magnet design calculations
D45L1955 BDS bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-27
D66L2334 BDS bending magnet design
- D66L2334 BDS bending magnet design calculations (solid wire)
D66L2334 bending magnet design calculations (solid wire) 2012-06-27
D172L1830 BDS downstream energy chicane bending magnet design
- D172L1830 BDS downstream energy chicane bending magnet design calculations
D172L1830 BDS downstream energy chicane bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-28
D172L228 BDS extraction bending magnet design
- D172L228 and D172L628 BDS extraction bending magnet design calculations
D172L228 and D172L628 BDS extraction bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-28
D172L628 BDS extraction bending magnet design
- D172L228 and D172L628 BDS extraction bending magnet design calculations
D172L228 and D172L628 BDS extraction bending magnet design calculations 2012-06-28
Interaction Region design, technical description and R&D program
- Review of Interaction Region Cavern Layout Design
Design of the interaction cavern for the ILC in the European region; Rev. B, March 2012; filename: "Report_Review of IR Cavern Layout Design_Master_v02.docx " 2012-11-01
Design of the Interaction Region radiation protection system
- IR hall dose rate estimates with detector concepts
Dose rates in IR hall are estimated with several kinds of designs of detector, shielding walls and pacmans. The obtained dose rates are evaluated in comparison with existing criteria for area classification of radiation safety aspects. 2012-08-29
CFS design criteria for the interaction region and experimental hall
- IR (Interaction Region) Design Criteria for CFS
IR (Interaction Region) Design Criteria for CFS, final TDR draft Mar 9, 2012; filename: "IR Design Criteria for CFS Mar 09 2012.pdf" 2012-12-07
BDS Project Management of the TD phase
Beam Delivery System Baseline Technical Review
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review at DESY, Oct. 24-29, 2011, for sources, RTML, and BDS. 2012-06-20
CFS design criteria for the beam delivery system
- BDS Design Criteria for CFS
BDS Design Criteria for CFS, final TDR draft Mar 2, 2013 (Power/ Heat Load); filename: "BDS Criteria for CFS Mar 2 2012.pdf" 2012-04-13
R&D program for SCRF technology which satisfies ILC requirements
R&D program for industrial-scale sc cavity surface preparation processes which satisfies ILC requirements.
- Cavity production yield statistics
Table of cavity performance measurements used to produce the official cavity production yield plots; status 29.11.2012 (for the TDR) 2012-11-30
Plug-compatible and thermally-optimized cryomodule design & integration for cost-effective mass production and operation.
- ILC Cryomodule Parameters
Table of all relevant properties of the ILC cryomodules 2012-11-06
Design of the superconducting quadrupole, BPM, and corrector package
- Main Linac Beam position monitor prototype, conceptual drawing
Conceptual drawing of the Beam position monitor, with space for the quad / corrector package 2012-10-16
- Feasibility study for conduction cooling of SC quadrupole magnets in the Cryomod
Version without cost information!<BR>Full title: "Feasibility study for conduction cooling of SC quadrupole magnets in the Cryomodule". Japanese original title: "ILC-ML 超伝導四極磁石システムの 工業化技術検討" 2012-10-29
- Feasibility study for conduction cooling of SC quadrupole magnets in the Cryomod
Version without cost information! Full title: "Feasibility study for conduction cooling of SC quadrupole magnets in the Cryomodule". 2012-10-29
Systems Engineering for cost-effective construction and operation of cryogenic supplies.
- ILC SCRF Cryogenics Parameters for DKS
Layout of the Main Linac and RTML cryogenics system for the DKS configuration, including shaft distances and Main Linac length; status 26.6.2012 2012-06-26
- ILC SCRF Cryogenics Parameters for KCS
Layout of the Main Linac and RTML cryogenics system for the KCS configuration, including shaft distances and Main Linac length; status 26.6.2012 2012-06-26
- ILC pulse RF operational modes (cryo)
Spreadsheet summarising the various centre-of-mass operation modes for the pulse RF systems. Mainly intended for assessment of the cryogenic loads. Also include the luminosity upgrade parameters. 2012-06-11
- ILC Total Cryogenics Power
Total cryogenics power and electric operating power of the ILC cryoplants 2012-10-16
- Cryo Design Criteria for CFS
Cryo Design Criteria for CFS, status Aug 13, 2012; filename: "ILC CRYO AUG 13 2012.pdf" 2012-12-03
Design of the distribution system for LHe and LN2
- ILC Helium Inventory
Calculation of the ILC's helium inventory 2012-10-25
Specification and design of Cryoplants
- ILC Cryogenic Heat Loads and Cryoplant Parameters
This document contains the cryogenic heat loads and cryoplant sizes for the ILC TDR, for both, KCS and DKS HLRF distribution schemes. 2012-10-16
- TDR ILC Damping Ring Cryogenic Power Estimates
Cryogenic power estimate for the ILC Damping Rings 2012-10-16
R&D for cost-effective modulator and power distribtion system.
- KCS Distribution Schematic
KCS Distribution Schematic status Nov 10 2011 2012-02-16
- Overmoded waveguide circular pipe
ILC L-band RF components; long big pipe circular waveguide; long tube weldment/machining; PF-490-704-20 2013-02-06
- Overmoded waveguide window
ILC block window assembly; SA-800-992-55 2013-02-06
- Coaxial tap-off (CTO)
ILC L-band power distribution wrap around assembly; coaxial tap-off (CTO) weldment 4 assembly; SA-490-702-34 2013-02-06
- Overmoded waveguide bend
ILC L-band RF components, long big pipe 90 degree bend assemby; SA-490-704-29 2013-02-06
Design and specifications for the Local Power Distribution System (LPDS)
- LPDS, left side, STEP file
STEP file of the left side of the LPDS 2012-07-12
- LPDS, center, STEP file
STEP file of the center of the LPDS 2012-07-12
- LPDS, right side, STEP file
STEP file of the right side of the LPDS 2012-07-12
- ILC Local Power Distribution System (LPDS) component list
ILC Local Power Distribution System (LPDS) component list 2012-07-26
Design, optimization and technical description of the Main Linac cryomodule string and beam dynamics.
- ILC Main Linac Lattice 2012a Visualization
Visualization (JT file) of the ILC Main Linac Lattice 2012a 2012-05-21
- ILC Main Linac Lattice 2012a
Lattice for the ILC Main Linac; geometrically correct, but not matched. Status 1.3.2012, basis for CFS planning 2012-05-21
- Main Linac Treaty Points
This document defines the treaty points of the ILC between RTML, Main Linac, Positron Source Undulator section, and BDS. version 5.0, 23.5.2012 2012-09-12
Design of the Main Linac lattice and investigation of beam dynamics issues
Main Linac Baseline Technical Review
- Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR)
Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR) held at KEK, January 18 ? 19, 2012 2012-06-20
CFS design criteria for the main linac
CFS design criteria for the main linac with KCS RF distribution
- ML-KCS (Main Linac - Klystron Cluster Scheme) Design Criteria for CFS
ML-KCS (Main Linac - Klystron Cluster Scheme) Design Criteria for CFS, final TDR draft Dec 4, 2012 (Power/Heat load); filename: "KCS Criteria DEC 04 2012 .pdf" 2012-12-07
CFS design critera for the main linac with DRFS RF power distribution
- ML-DRFS (Main Linac - Distributed RF Scheme) Design Criteria for CFS
ML-DRFS (Main Linac - Distributed RF Scheme) Design Criteria for CFS, status Aug 16 2011 (Power/Heat load) 2011-11-22
Superconducting RF Technology Project Management of the TD phase
Superconducting RF Technology Baseline Technical Review
- Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR)
Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR) held at KEK, January 18 ? 19, 2012 2012-06-20
Design and technical description of underground and surface construction, site electrical and cooling systems
Design and technical description of site electrical and cooling systems
CFS Project Management of the TD phase
Conventional Facilities and Siting Baseline Technical Review
- CFS BTR closeout
Results from the CFS Baseline Technical Review, CERN, Geneva, Mar 22-23, 2012. 2012-08-15
TDR VALUE cost-estimation
Cost estimates for Conventional Facilities and Siting
Cost estimates for the Electrical system
- Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.2 & 1.7.7 (Electrical & Safety)
Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.2 & 1.7.7 (Electrical & Safety) 2013-03-18
Cost estimates for the Mechanical system
- Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.3 & 1.7.4 & 1.7.5 (Mechanical)
Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.3 & 1.7.4 & 1.7.5 (Mechanical) 2013-03-18
Cost estimates for the Underground Construction
- Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.1 (Civil)
Cost estimation base of ILC TDR Cost WBS1.7.1 (Civil) 2013-03-18
Methodology of the cost estimate
- ILC TDR Cost Estimate Conversion Guidelines
Guidelines for ILC TDR cost estimate conversion 2013-06-05
Establishment of baseline layout configurations
- Targeted Specifications for the DR-RTML and DR-Source Treaty Points
This document summarizes the targeted treaty point specifications between the ILC damping ring injection and extraction lines with the sources and ring-to-main-linac transport lines. 2012-08-07
- Transfer Tunnel Beamline Geometry
Geometry of the beamlines in the transfer tunnel between ML and DR: ELTR, ERTL, PLTR, PRTL, including RTML doglegs. Status 21.12.2011 2012-01-06
- RTML doglegs geometry
Proposed geometry for the RTML doglegs at the end of the main linac; status 21.12.2011 2012-02-22
- ILC Central Region Design Optimization
Proposal for a new layout of the transfer lines in the ILC central region, status Dec 21, 2011. 2012-01-19
- Main Linac Treaty Points
This document defines the treaty points of the ILC between RTML, Main Linac, Positron Source Undulator section, and BDS. version 5.0, 23.5.2012 2012-09-12
- Specifications for the RTML-ML, ML-PS, PS-EBDS and ML-PBDS Treaty Points
This document summarizes the targeted treaty point specifications between the ILC Main Linac, the RTML and the BDS, plus the undulator section of the Positron Source. 2012-06-08
Reference design and cost estimation for Asian mountainous region
- Investigating the Single Tunnel Proposal in a Japanese Mountainous Site
Investigation of the Single Tunnel Proposal in a Japanese Mountainous Site 2012-09-27
- Asian region underground tunnel length
Layout of the underground tunnels for the Asian region 2012-09-26
Reference design and cost estimation for Americas region (flat topography)
- ILC Naming Convention
This document proposes the ILC naming convention for underground civil engineering structures. 2011-10-24
- Americas ILC basis of cost - Underground structures - Key plan
Americas ILC basis of cost - Underground structures - Key plan; filename: "ILC KEY PLAN_MAR,19 2012_SHEET-G-2.pdf" 2012-03-19
- ILC electron and positron flow, Americas region
ILC electron and positron flow diagram, Americas region, Klycluster scheme, status Apr 17, 2012; filename: "AmericaRegion_ILC_flow_diagram APR 17 2012.pdf" 2012-04-20
- ILC Naming Convention, Americas Region
Naming convention for the ILC tunnels and shafts, Americas region, status Apr 17, 2012; filename: "AmericaRegion_ILC_naming_diagram_APR 17 2012.pdf" 2012-04-21
- ILC underground structures, Americas region
ILC underground structures, Americas region, Klycluster scheme, status Apr 17, 2012; filename: "AmericaRegion_ILC_underground 3D APR 17 2012.pdf" 2012-04-20
- CFS Tunnel Drawing Set for KILC12
This drawing set includes the Overall Machine Layout, Beam "Arrow Diagram" and detailed tunnel drawings of the entire machine layout at larger scale. Status: Apr 23, 2012 (KILC12) 2012-04-21
Reference design and cost estimation for European region (flat topography)
- Dubna Site Investigation
An Evaluation of a Proposed Site for the International Linear Collider near Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia. 2011-10-04
- Siting Study for European ILC Sites
This report describes the investigation of possible European sites for the construction of the International Linear Collider in the framework of the Global Design Effort activities. 2012-07-03
- Site Selection Criteria for European ILC Sites
This report describes a set of selection criteria for possible European sites, which are suitable for the construction of the International Linear Collider. The criteria were developed in the framework of the Global Design Effort ac-tivities. 2012-07-10
- Guidelines and criteria for an environmental impact assessment for the Lin.Coll.
Full title: Guidelines and criteria for an environmental impact assessment for the Linear Collider project at CERN 2012-07-11
Design o global control systems
Design of the global timing system
- Technical Systems Configurations-Electrical; Subsystem: Instrumentation - Timing
This document was written in 2001 and is a design, architecture document for the proposed NLC timing system; original location: 2012-10-30
Project Management of the TD phase
Project Implementation Planning
- Project Implementation Plan
ILC Project Implementation Plan (final version). 2012-03-15
Risk Analusis
- Risk register
Risk register for the ILC design. First compiled for the RDR design. 2009-04-06
Baseline Technical Reviews
- DR BTR Close Out
Results of the ILC Damping Ring Baseline Technical Review (BTR), INFN, Frascati, Jul. 7-8, 2011. 2012-07-02
- Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR)
Summary of Decisions from Main-Linac and SCRF Baseline Technical Review (BTR) held at KEK, January 18 ? 19, 2012 2012-06-20
- Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review
Decisions and Action Items arising from the 2nd ILC Baseline Technical Review at DESY, Oct. 24-29, 2011, for sources, RTML, and BDS. 2012-06-20
- CFS BTR closeout
Results from the CFS Baseline Technical Review, CERN, Geneva, Mar 22-23, 2012. 2012-08-15
Top Level Change Control (TLCC) Documentation, resulting from Baseline Assessment Workshops (BAW)
- TLCC Proposal for Main Linac Single Tunnel
Proposal to adopt a single tunnel configuration for the ILC Main Linac. Includes HLRF options. Submitted to GDE DIrector on 29.09.10 2010-10-07
- TLCC Proposal for average accelerating gradient
Summary of discussions at BAW-1 on accelerating gradient, gradient spread, operational margins and R&D goals. Includes proposal for TLCC, submitted to GDE Director on 29.09.10 2010-10-07
- CEP Decision on TLCC-2 Single Tunnel for Main Linac
Change Evaluation Panal's decision memo on the TLCC proposal for a single tunnel solution for the Main Linac, with either KCS or DRFS (RDR HLRF Tech. solution as back-up). 2010-11-17
- CEP Decision on TLCC-1 Gradient and Gradient Spread
Change Evaluation Panal's decision memo on the TLCC proposal on average accelerating gradient and ±20% gradient spread. 2010-11-18
- TLCC Proposal for reduced beam parameter set
Proposal to adopt a reduced beam power (reduced bunch number per pulse) configuration for the ILC. Submitted to GDE DIrector on 01.02.11. 2011-01-31
- TLCC Proposal to re-locate the positron source
Proposal to relocate the undulator-based positron source from the nominal 150 GeV location to the exit of the main electron linac (250 GeV). Proposal also includes support for 10Hz alternate pulse operation scenario for low centre-of-mass running. Submitted to the director as part of the TLCC process on 01.02.11. 2011-02-03
- CEP Decision on TLCC-3 Reduced Parameter Set
Change Evaluation Panel's decision memo on the TLCC proposal to reduce the number of bunches per pulse (reduced beam power). 2011-05-11
- CEP Decision on TLCC-4 Positron Source Relocation
Change Evaluation Panel's decision memo on the TLCC proposal to relocate the positron source to the end of the main electron linac. Includes options for low-energy running based on 10Hz alternate pulse operation. 2011-05-19
Assessment of spinoff effects of the ILC
- ILC technology application in the Americas region
Report on the potential industrial, military and commercial applications in the Americas region. This is the American contribution to the FALC spinoff report. 2012-10-22
- The Societal Benefits of the U.S. International Linear Collider R&D Program
American contribution to the spinoff report to FALC, focusing on the societal and scientific benefits. 2012-10-22
- ILC technology benefits report, European contribution
This document constitutes the European input to the FALC Technology Benefits Report. 2012-10-22
- The potential impact of ILC technologies
Report of the Japanese ILC Technology Spin-off Working Group 2012-10-22
- Technology benefits deriving from the International Linear Collider
Report to FALC on a study to explore the potential wider benefits of the ILC to industry, the larger scientific community and society at large. 2012-10-22
Reviews by the Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
- Report of the ninth meeting of the ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
Report of the ninth meeting of the ILC Project Advisory Committee (PAC) 2013-02-05