Focus on: electron clouds

The International Linear Collider ILC is an ambitious science project, with some 2000 people around the world today tackling technological challenges to fulfil the high requirements of the planned collider. One of these challenges is called the 'electron cloud' problem – the effect that, when travelling on curved paths around the necessary damping rings, the particle beams emit synchrotron radiation which knocks out electrons from the surrounding material that, under certain conditions, can form clouds that in turn can have a negative effect on the particle beams. If you want to learn more about the challenge and possible solutions we have made a collection of relevant articles published in ILC NewsLine over the years.

The ILC damping rings and electron cloud mitigation
12 March 2009
-- Barry Barish


Spring-scrubbing the beam pipe
How CERN’s accelerator complex fights electron clouds
12 March 2009
-- Barbara Warmbein


In the beginning, there was... Susanna
A profile of Susanna Guiducci, ILC damping ring group leader
12 March 2009
-- Barbara Warmbein


From SLAC Today: Groovy Beam Pipe Update
29 January 2009
-- Kelen Tuttle


Commission accomplished
Part three of a series on how the CESR storage ring turns into the CesrTA damping ring
11 December 2008
-- Barbara Warmbein


Damping starts this week
CesrTA kick-off meeting marks the beginning of the damping ring test programme
10 July 2008
-- Barbara Warmbein


Critical electron cloud studies at Cornell
5 June 2008
-- Barry Barish


Hail Cesr
Part one of a series on how a storage ring at Cornell University morphs into a damping ring test accelerator
29 May 2008
-- Barbara Warmbein


From SLAC Today: Groovy Project Solving Cloudy Problem
20 September 2007
-- Heather Rock Woods


From SLAC Today: Clearing Clouds
9 August 2007
-- Heather Rock Woods


Electron Cloud Studies Conducted at Cornell University
22 February 2007
-- Maury Tigner


The Evolving ILC Design: Centralising the Injectors
21 December 2006
-- Barry Barish


The Evolving ILC Design: Eliminating One Positron Damping Ring
5 October 2006
-- Barry Barish


Students Contribute to ILC Damping Ring Studies at Cornell University
5 October 2006
-- Elizabeth Clements


Baseline Damping Rings
11 May 2006
-- Barry Barish


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